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EA Literature

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Free EA Publications in English

Would you like to read or pass along some free EAI literature?

All other EAI material are copyright-protected, but you are welcome to print, copy, and distribute these specific EAI materials as much as you like!

  • Simply click on a file name below to open a free PDF copy of the file in a new browser tab. You may then download the file to your device to read or print out a hard copy.

Please consider making a contribution to EAI in order to allow us to continue to be able to provide EA literature. The EAI organization relies on your support to continue to operate.

If you prefer to receive these publications as hard copies, you may order them from our EA online store.

Some free EAI pamphlets are also available to download onto an e-Reader, such as a Kindle or Nook!

  • Just click here to go to EAI's Payhip e-Reader store and see what is available to download for free.

Note: In the list of files below, items with a star * before their name are part of EA's seven-pamphlet "Newcomer Welcome Kit."

  • If you are a newcomer to the EA program, it'll be most helpful to read these particular pamphlets :)

  1. This is EA's MAIN piece of literature, that is typically read aloud from at the beginning of each EA meeting.

    This pamphlet includes all the main facets of the EA program - the twelve "Helpful Concepts," "Just For Todays," "Slogans," "Traditions," "Steps," and "Promises."

  2. This is a suggested guideline for those responsible for guiding a remote meeting. Thanks to our EA friends in Italy for suggesting and drafting a version of this. For use if it is helpful, but not required at EA meetings.

  3. The rules and regulations of Emotions Anonymous International.

  4. New to EA? This is a helpful pamphlet to learn more about the program as a whole - what to expect at the meetings, ideas on how to participate yourself, and a list of the Twelve Steps. Also good to know is that all of our pamphlets are numbered, so when you want to place an EA order, you can find the "Item #" on back of each pamphlet in the box that includes EA contact information.

  5. This pamphlet provides additional information about the program and discusses what EA is - and is not. It's a good overview.

  6. Questions and answers useful in helping new or potential members decide if EA is for them.

  7. An easy way to post your meeting information in your community! Fill in your local meeting information by hand and post on bulletin boards at local coffee shops, grocery stores, libraries, community centers, senior centers, schools, in Little Free Libraries... anywhere you think people will see it! You may copy this flier as often as you like. Thank you for getting the word out about EA! :)

  8. An easy way to post your meeting information in your community! Fill in your meeting information in Microsoft Word and post printed copies at local coffee shops, groceries, libraries... anywhere you think people will see it! You may copy this as often as you like.

  9. Why is EA a Step meeting? What if you haven't worked the Step that the group is on that week? Why don't we discuss our problems? Why does EA discourage cross talk and feedback during the meeting? What if someone strays from the subject of the meeting? Who manages the meeting? Why don't we discuss religion? All of these questions are answered in this pamphlet.

  10. A report to the EA membership on activities, including contribution and financial information from the 2023 fiscal year (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023).

  11. Want to share information about EA with a therapist or healthcare provider? This is a good overview of the program.

  12. Information on how to present EAI materials at a health fair and some considerations for attending.

  13. The main guide to how EA is managed.

  14. A quick and easy guide to the basics of the EA program. Great for newcomers to your meeting, to leave with healthcare providers, or to give to a friend who might benefit from the program.

  15. All EA approved material is written by members and approved by the Board of Trustees. This provides a guide for those interested in submitting their writing for approval consideration.

  16. A supplement to the EA "Spiritual Awakening" Workbook (Item #83).

  17. This pamphlet explains the concept of confidentiality in the EA program.

  18. Recommendations to encourage helpful, positive meetings and to create a level of uniformity across meetings, so anyone receives a similar experience when attending an EA meeting anywhere written by the Board of Trustees.

  19. Prices are effective as of July 2023.

  20. Prices are effective as of July 2023.

    Customs Fees: These are outside our control and, as every country has different rules, EAI can't include them with order totals. They are the responsibility of the order recipient.

    Shipping to Canada: To avoid customs fees and international postage, you may place orders for both French and English materials through PFEA (Publications Françaises Émotifs Anonyme) by emailing them at