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EA Email Reflection Series

"Experience, Strength, & Hope: Affirmations" (Fourth Series)

"Experience, Strength, & Hope: Affirmations"

January 2021 - March 2021

In order to provide EA members with an extra "boost" during the early days of the pandemic, we began a weekly email, Experience, Strength & Hope, with trustee reflections based on the Just For Today's and focused on the current world situation. You can find that series by clicking "Experience, Strength & Hope (First Series) on the right side of the screen. We received a lot of positive feedback on these emails and continued this service with a series of 12 emails on maintaining a healthy EA group. You can find that series by clicking "Experience, Strength & Hope: Tips For Healthy Meetings (Second Series) on the right side of the screen. The next set of 12 emails focused on gratitude. You can find that series by clicking "Experience, Strength & Hope: Gratitude (Third Series) on the right side of the screen.

We are happy to continue to offer these mid-week 'boosts' to EA members! This email series will consist of affirmations written by an EA member, Mia C. We are grateful for her contribution to this effort! We hope you continue to find value in these messages. Please share these emails and encourage others to sign up on our website here to receive them.