EA Seasons of Recovery July 2021 Virtual Retreat
There is no pre-registration required for members attending retreat virtually/remotely. Members can attend any or all virtual/remote sessions. The retreat is accessible virtually through Zoom and remotely by phone. You do not have to download Zoom. You can click “Join from your browser.”
Meeting ID: 984 905 917
Passcode: 044838 (enter the passcode when prompted)
One tap mobile phone number: +19294362866 (New York)
Dial by your location phone number: 1-312-626-6799 US (Chicago)
Session 2 (Spring) — 7-17-21: 9:45-11:45 AM, CDT
Session 3 (Summer) — 7-17-21: 1-3 PM, CDT
Session 4 (Renewal Service) — 7-17-21: 7-8 PM, CDT
Session 5 (Fall) — 7-18-21: 10 AM - 12 (Noon) PM, CDT