Gratitude Gifts
If you would like to make a Gratitude Gift, you can learn how to do so here.
2024 Fiscal Year Gratitude Donations:
- 7/4/2023, "In honor of MaryEllen" - Elene D.
- 7/17/2023, "In honor of 26 years in Emotions Anonymous" - Jan D.
- 8/14/2023, "In honor of Cliff E. of Atlanta, Georgia" - Anonymous Donor
- 10/11/2023, "In honor of 36 years in Emotions Anonymous" - Robert W.
- 5/1/2024, "In honor of Russ E's 50 years of service" - Apple Valley group
- 8/7/2024, "In honor of Griffin M. EA has helped thousands of individuals, including Jo and her sister, Teresa, to achieve a healthier level of emotional well-being. It has enabled us to have a better quality of life. In Griffin’s memory, let there be more!" - With love, Curt and Jo M.
- 2/5/25, "In honor of Robert I." - "Thank you for encouraging me to find a 12 step program. It really is for everyone to be able to improve self and feel supported." - Sandra I.
2023 Fiscal Year Gratitude Donations:
- 7/4/2022, "In honor of MaryEllen" - Elene D.
- 8/7/2022, "In honor of 26 years in Emotions Anonymous" - Jan D.
- 8/29/2022, "In honor of Maria M." - Mercedes C.
- 8/31/2022, "In gratitude of the Austin, Texas EA Group" - Monica W.
- 11/7/2022, "In honor of the EA program" - Jan D.
- 2/3/2023, "In honor of Dave M." - Karen G.
- 5/14/2023, "In honor of Dr. Howard T." - Ron M.
- 5/23/2023, "In honor of Karen G. and Jerry R. in gratitude for their expressiveness and openness" - Jessica A.