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EA Calendar

"Utilizing Not Analyzing The Steps" Weekly Pamphlet Meeting

Thursday, August 10, 2028
5:00 pm6:15 pm

This "Utilizing Not Analyzing the Steps" EA group meets every week at the same time (Thursdays from 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM Central Time) on Zoom.

- This group is free to join and no registration is required :)

- Starting 10/10/24, this group will be using individual EA pamphlets as their main literature until the end of the year.
-Details on which pamphlets will be used on which date can be found in the PDF link at the bottom of this listing.

- Before the weekly meeting starts, there is also an optional nature video meditation that you can join at 4:30 PM Central Time, using the same Zoom link as the meeting.

NOTE: See the "Pamphlet Schedule" under "Related Links" on the bottom right side of this listing for additional details. Thank you!

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