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Write For EA

Writing Opportunities

Writing Opportunities

Type of Article Focus Suggested Length How it Will be Published
Quick Tip of the Month Easy action ideas to encourage serenity 30 Words Weekly emails
EA Reflection Any subject Typically, about 100 words but can be up to 500. Weekly emails
Pamphlet Any appropriate subject (see suggestions below) 900 words Literature/Materials
Reflection/Meditation Subject pertinent to the EA program 150 total words New Book

Below are a few topics EA literature does not currently address.

  • Anguish 
  • Denial 
  • Dependency 
  • Divorce 
  • Facades 
  • Gratitude 
  • Greed 
  • Guilt
  • Illusions 
  • Maturity 
  • Mediation 
  • Nurturing 
  • Partnership 
  • Paranoia 
  • Peace 
  • Prayer
  • Pride 
  • Rage 
  • Selfishness 
  • Sloth 
  • Social Roles 
  • Spite  
  • Surrender 
  • Trust