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Service Opportunities

How to Increase Awareness of the Emotions Anonymous Program

How you can help share the EA program

Step 12 says, "Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message and to practice these principles in all our affairs." Service is an important element to help us stay grounded in our efforts to improve our mental health. There are many different ways to offer service to the fellowship.

  • Place flyers for your meeting at local coffee shops, grocery stores, libraries, community centers, etc. Flyers are available to download and print yourself by clicking the download link below. They can also be ordered for $0.10/flyer plus shipping and handling fees in the online store here.
  • Start a new meeting in your area. Information on how to start a new group is available here.
  • Share the message of recovery with others through your house of worship or at local community group meetings.
  • Talk to your group about planning a retreat.
  • Share the message by giving a copy of (#69) with health professionals, providing it to newcomers at your meeting, or giving it to others who might benefit from EA.
  • Schedule and publicize a Public Information Meeting to let others know about the existence of EA in your area (and let our office know when/where so we can add it to the Event Calendar on the website for all to see)
  • Ask your local library to invest in buying our books so individuals can have free access to them.